It has been a bit dry for me on the poetry writing front lately. Naturally, I turned to my muse, to whom I am conveniently married for some help. From our conversations and from the inspiration of people like John and Hank Green and our friend Kathleen, Julie and I are going to embark on a little journey we are calling...
well, actually. we have no idea what to call it. Heck, we don't have to call it anything, but here is how it will work...
Starting next week, and for an indefinite time, Julie and I are going to write at least one poem a week. It does not sound too hard, but the thing is the commitment.
Each week, on Friday, we will both publish at least one poem in this blog. They may be unrelated, or they may play off of each other. They may come seemingly from nowhere, or they may have obvious roots in the events of our lives. Who knows.
PUNISHMENTS - Stealing from the vlogbrothers, we will enforce a consequence on each other, should either of us fail to complete a poem AND get it up on the blog before Friday becomes Saturday. If one of us fails to do this, the other will be able to pick format and topic for the offending party's follow up poem. (I look forward to doing or assigning a video haiku about spaghetti).
The overall goal is to make the time to write more. Should be fun.