Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Will I Never

When will I grate all the cheese before the mold sets in?
                                                             before the old gets in?
When will I use all the coupons before they expire?
                                                            before their appeal tires?

When will I do all the work before it starts to pile?
                                                   before it raises my bile ?

When will I put all the photos in albums before the kids grow up?
                                                                            before the memories slow up?

The answer is never
because, just as ever,
time will not slacken or sicken
its downhill pace ever quickens
All I can do for the how
is to live in the now.


Rob and I have been asked to be the featured speakers at the Mudpuppy's next Beat Night on September 29th. Rob has a much larger collection of original works  than I do, so I will publish here the poems I will be including that night.


I am the universe
engendered as a woman
                  for your convenience.

I was there
in that perfect oneness of all stuff
before the cosmic explosion put light years between us.

We are still one;
subatomic particles in unpredictable cloud orbit
around the nucleus
                           the unseen force
                           holding us
                           tethering us together.

Every bit
the same
as every other bit
Energy is just matter moving really, really, really fast.
Matter is just energy on a bad day.

If there is no distinction
between where I end and you begin,
then it was all there in the Calvin Klein Commercial
                            not so much in the Radiohead lyrics.